The Law Enforcement Torch Run® is a Special Olympics global initiative that involves the partnership of Special Olympics Programs with their respective law enforcement officers, with the aim of creating awareness and raising funds for Special Olympics athletes. In the past, Special Olympics Kenya has collaborated with the National Police Service for this mission. The last LETR® for Special Olympics Kenya was held in 2006, in Nairobi, which raised funds to send a delegation of 32 athletes to the 2007 World Summer Games in Shanghai, China. The current Special Olympics Kenya LETR® patron is the Inspector General of National Police Service.

Torch Run has grown over the years and now includes many fundraising platforms. These platforms include: Plane Pulls, Polar Plunges, Tip-A-Cops, and more. Since the beginning, LETR has raised over $600 million for Special Olympics worldwide programs. Special Olympics Kenya held its first Law Enforcement Torch Run in 2006 and 2018 in Nairobi.